Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 3: Your Day in Great Detail

I awoke this morning quite naturally. No noises. No urge to pee. No alarm. Wait... No alarm. What?! Why didn't it go off? It wakes me up everyday. EVERYDAY.

What happened? What did I miss? What am I late for? Oh right.


Hey, there's coffee! Awesome.

Well... Look at that. I accidentally turned off the repeat feature on my phone's alarm clock. Cool. All fixed now. What's going on on Tumblr?

Hmm... A bit quiet. My Little Pony on the tele for background noise? Perfect.



Tumblr. Tumblr. Tumblr


That sure was fun. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast sounded fun too. Mmm.

Still hungry.


Clanging in the kitchen signifies Mom is doing some dishes. Good. Good. Decide to empty dishwasher. While placing items in their correct cabinet (which wasn't easy, I'm new here) I noticed the lack of garbage bag in garbage. Better write down that were out.

I figured I may as well make an actual grocery list.

Aaaaaand, done. Good looking list.

Tumblr again.

Movie with mom. Knight and Day with Cruise and Diaz. Eh, not the best, but it had a moment or two.

Mom suggested watching another movie. What movie do I choose? Muppets from Space.

'Cause I'm sophisticated like that.

Ate a Twinkie. It was delicious.

At this point, tea was what I needed. Lazy Sundays require tea.

What kind... what kind... what kind...? Oooh! Blueberry!


Now I'm back on Tumblr (don't judge) drinking tea, and waiting for the Tony's to begin. Neil Patrick Harris! I am excite!

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