Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sometimes, Sad Things Happen

This is an incredibly personal entry, so please forgive me. Earlier today I said goodbye to a brilliant friendship. We lasted two years being apart and living at opposite ends of the country. But, sometimes... friendships just don't last.

It's quite sad, really. We both tried the best we could. I guess life got in the way. Her life got too stressful, and my life became to sad. Due to the circumstances of our situations, we weren't able to help each other and got hurt. The insurmountable pain that comes with losing your best friend to something beyond your control is not something even I can put into words. Maybe if our problems had run consecutively instead of concurrently, things would have turned out differently. But, they didn't. So we said goodbye.

I was honest in how I felt, I did the best I could, it wasn't enough, though. And, my soul is just sick because of it. It never crossed my mind that my best friend and I could have an expiration date. I don't think it crossed anyone's mind. I would say it's the end of an era, but it's so much more than that. It's the death of something beautiful.

We met while I was living in Florida, and were near inseparable. Closer than sisters. Two kids whom the world didn't understand, but they understood one another. We were each other's breath of fresh air. I almost didn't move home because of her. I couldn't imagine not seeing her everyday. We went a year apart. Speaking on the phone or the internet at least weekly. I visited, and it was like one were never away from the other. We knew we would be okay. We had each other. Until this summer. I lost a lot this summer. And, today I added a best friend to the list. We said goodbye.

There's still a little smile in my heart, though. We had some amazing (amazing isn't a big enough word) memories. For a long time I had a partner in crime. I don't think I'll find anyone to geek out with to the level in which she could. She's the reason I read the Harry Potter books, and I will be forever grateful to her. No one will discuss fantasy novels (or books at all, for that matter) in such a stimulating way as she does. She get so tickled when I made "fry sauce" all the time. I had a pirate birthday party for my 24th. It was fun. She threw it for me. Put the whole thing together. Her and I had a very convincing way of proving that Cinderella and her step sister Drizella were the best of friends. We even had a costume Christmas party. Like I said... Quite an amazing slew of memories. I guess you could say we had a good run.

I will miss her. I already do. I wish her all the best in the world. And, I hope she continues to write, she had some great ideas. I'm confident she'll find the love she's looking for. I'm not worried about her. She's pretty stubborn, and will claw her way out of her current unfortunate situations. I do hope she'll think of me from time to time, and maybe smile. I know I won't forget her. We had a beautiful friendship. Although we may be going our separate ways, I'll treasure the things she's taught me, and she'll always have a place in my heart.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A New Post!

I feel like, since I started my other blog, this little internet space hasn't seen as much love. So! I've decided to post a little ditty, just to say hello to you all, and to keep my mad blogging skills sharp. Woot woot.

Not a whole lot has happened in my life since my last "update". I do finally have my own room, which I thank the gods for. My mom and I have done quite a bit of work on her house. Sorting, cleaning, furniture moving, ect... We're actually starting to see some progress, which is encouraging.

I'm attending childbirth classes with my sister. They talk about a lot of uncomfortable things, not much of which is relevent to my life, but I am learning some interesting things. I got to say, though, the videos aren't the best. The videos I saw in 10th grade health class were much more gruesome. Oh well. Aly is doing just fine. Two more months and my niece will be here. Very exciting.

As I stated earlier, I started a new blog. I'm sure most of you have heard already. I'm quite proud of it. I'm writing at least four times a week, which is really good for me. Keeping the juices flowing, if you know what I mean. If you haven't wandered over there yet, please do. It's all about me trying to find beauty in everyday occurances. As you all know, I've taken quite a few beatings these past few months, and the new blog is a place for me to look harder, and see that good things still exist. Sometimes it doesn't seem like there is any light left in the world, and this blog proves you can still find hope, if you know how to look. Any who, The Beauty in Thought is a nice (no hate) blog, where I can contribute a little happy into the universe. Click here to see what's going on over there.

There you have it friends... Evie, Sphinx, Maggie, Betta Fish, Willie, Honey, Chewey, Tucker and I say "hello!"