Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Windpipe is Ablaze!!


Fire in my throat!!

It's on fire!

Seriously. My larynx is a flaming pillar of rage. It's angry.

Everything else is in fine condition. No runny nose, no phlegm. Not even a headache. Well, I did have a tiny headache yesterday, but I'm pretty sure that was due to lack of morning coffee. It has since passed.

I have to chuckle to myself, though. If I were still working at Disney, I'd be FREAKING OUT. Now, when my throat hurts, I say "Huh... my throat hurts. That kind of sucks" instead of "Oh my God! My livelihood completely depends on my voice and the ability to be loud and obnoxious with it!!" That's a delightful improvement on my life.

Granted, I work in customer service and do nothing but talk. I feel like I can lower my decibel, though, and cut it down to just the required amount of conversation. "Hi, you owe this much, peace out."

Right... like I could do that.

In other news, I'm going to Florida. Yes! I leave June 9th. Huzzah!! Now I've got to get a hold of a few people and set up a luncheon or two.

The beach!! Two nights at the beach! What a wondrous vacation it will be. Maybe I'll chat with a boy or two... *gasp!*

I'm still on the fence about working. It's probably not going to happen, let's be honest. The thought of the tunnels, and/or cosmo makes my skin crawl. Meh.


Leftover mexican food in the fridge! Gotta go.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Know, I Know... You're Tired of Hearing About It.

I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying.

I don't know why I'm having such a hard time with this whole work thing. But I REALLY am trying. If I weren't, I would have quit already. (Oh... what an alluring idea)

I'm really, really trying...

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm Going Out!

I am very excited about today's events. It's been a loooong time since I've had any legitimate plans. I guess Mother's Day I had plans. So nix that whole "no plans" statement. Oh! It's been an incredibly long time since I've done anything with my friends. That's better.

First of all, it's my day off. Thank the Gods! I'm thankful I have a job (tired of hearing me talk about this yet?) I really am; I'm just mentally exhausted. Employment takes a lot out of me and my psyche. Think think think. It's all I do. Think at work about what I'm doing, think about going to work when I'm at home. Blah!! Anywho, that is not the purpose of this blog entry...

As I was saying, it's my day off (thank the Gods again) and I have a nice little itinerary. I'm taking care of item number one as we speak: drink two cups of coffee. On work days (hiss) I try to only drink one, due to my marble sized bladder. Woah! TMI I know... But, today I'm drinking two full cups of coffee complete with Irish cream. (Relax! Not the fun kind.)

Next, as soon as Grandma gets home from "work" (oh... another story for another time) we're going to our local Nordstrom Rack for some shopping.

A. I know... I know... I'm going to work on my day off. Don't think the irony is lost on me.

B. I've been really good about not shopping there, even though I have a kick ass discount. I am really trying to be better with my moneys. Spending my moneys is my reward *cheesy grin*

So! After our little outing, I'll be returning home to ready myself of a night of culture, and I'm sure, thousands of laughs. Marcia, Lacie and I are going to the ballet! I'm so freaking excited!! I miss my girls so very, very much; and tonight is just what I need. Garrett is performing (as Cinderella's step sister, like I'm going to miss THAT) so there may be after the show festivities as well.

I know it doesn't sound like much. But, I'm pretty excited about my evening. I think I'll wear green eye shadow.