Saturday, November 20, 2010

Um, I'm Going to College

I think.

Well, I'm pretty sure I am. I mean, I applied and am probably paying the application fee tomorrow. So... I guess I am.

For the last little while (or my whole life) I've felt this nagging pull to be more. Do more. To choose a career, and a lifestyle, that gives back. Not really a "I want to help people" kind of song, but more of a "I can do better and fight for good things" roar.

Which is exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to major in international studies, and go on to be awesome. It's literally going to be "look out world, here I come!" I'm tired of sitting at home, watching TV, wishing I was a great success. Therefore, I'm going to make my own success. I'm not too old. I'm only a little bit old.

I'm going to march right through a degree. I'll have a bachelor's degree before I'm 30. That's right, you heard me. 30. I got this. I'm not at all worried. It may suck some days, but I'll be alright. My focus is there and it's good.

Another reason I've chosen this incredibly grueling education path, is my non existent love life. I'm going to marry my career. I could get a regular job, continue to develop my social circle, find "Mr. Right" (gag me) and live in West Jordan with our SUV. Or! I can say "suck it" and decide on a noble career, that will make me happy. Then, I can spend my time, at a job I love, making myself feel important. If I happen to meet someone along the way, that'll be fine. If not, I'll be happy and significant on my own, and all will be well.

I want to be successful, I want to love what I do, and I want to do something incredible.

Balls to the walls, I'm going for it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Instead of Going to Bed...

... I'm going to tell you about my life.

For the past four days I've been actively writing. Yesterday I felt like I lost the ability to blink. Doing a little better today. I only wrote for half the day, and cut down to three cups of coffee (instead of four and two cans of Diet Pepsi). I may, repeat may, post a bit of what I'm working on at a later date. I'm also "officially" looking for a job. Part-time. I'm 100% sure full-time work will be a bad idea at this time. However! I should be able to handle part-time successfully. I don't want retail. If any of you were about to suggest that, just let the idea float on by. I'll even allow you to wave at it. I hate working on holidays. I like to spend those occasions with my loving (albeit LOUD) family. Retail sees that as some sort of taboo behavior. You know what job I want? Pam's. She works as a receptionist for Dunder Mifflin. I want her job.

... I'm going to yammer on and on about Doctor Who.

It's just the best freaking show to ever be thought of. Ever. I would give my life to have the Doctor grab me by the hand and say "run!" Although all that running would probably kill me. Therefore, flitting away with a mysterious time travelling, know it all, alien actually would cost me my life. Hmm... Nope, still don't care. It'd be worth it.

... I'm going to complain.

I feel I have a little bit of a right to rant about my social life. Only because I really have been trying to gain a better one; or one AT ALL rather. Any who, I'm going to my weekly group, I went to a real live party for Halloween, and if I'm invited to some sort of event or social activity I say "yes" without even thinking about it. And what have I achieved with all of this mediocre work? Zip and zilch. Lame. I'm bumming myself out. You've heard enough of this, anyway.

... I'm going to review some books!

I've finished the Vampire Lestat awhile ago. Did I tell you how gorgeous that novel was?! If so, you're going to hear it again. My fellow readers, the story is not only beautiful in itself, but beautifully told. I can't put it away on the bookshelf because I just want to look at it, and remember the good times. I'm also in the middle of Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers. I am so pleasantly surprised by the personality within the writing. It's actually pretty funny. I catch myself chuckling with D'Artagnan on his gentlemanly adventures. It's glorious!

I... guess that's it. Peace out bloggers!