Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Out.

I'm not that girl.

I'm intelligent.
I'm real.
I'm true.

You chose to walk away.

I choose not to follow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 30!

Day 30: Whatever Tickles My Fancy

I think masks are pretty.

I also find the symbolism to them highly alluring. Sometimes we wear masks because we have to, sometimes we wear them because we choose to, and sometimes it's Halloween.

And.. They're pretty.

I would also like to point out how proud I am of myself for completing 30 Days of Blog. It's a rare treat when I don't get bored with things and abandon them. Yippee skippy and go me!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 29

Day 29: Hopes, Dreams and Plans for the Next 365 Days

I'm going to cheat. Here is my list of things to accomplish before January 25th 2011:

Ha ha! Yes!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 28

Day 28: This Year in Great Detail

I'm just going to dive right to the whole three months I have to blog about.

January: New Year's Eve was spent at "Eve Salt Lake". I hate fireworks (unless I'm at Disney, I'm not sure why it's different) so other than that, it was awesome. My BIRTHDAY was in January! Yay! We had a great night. Woo hoo! Birthday steak!!

February: Not a lot went on in February. My Uncle passed away. It was quite a surprise, and tough on everyone. None of us wanted to brave another funeral so soon, least of all my grandma. She was devastated to lose her brother. Valentine's day was weird for me. Every year Grandpa gave me flowers. I've never celebrated Valentine's day with a "special someone". I was always Grandpa's valentine. So, I didn't like that he wasn't here to make me smile. Andrea and I went to my mom's for a little girly "pity party" for the Valentine's weekend. We had tons of fun, with Doctor Who and food and junk, so it was nowhere near unsuccessful :)

March: Didn't I do this already?! Geez! I heard the band play, helped my mom pack up some stuff, and sent Jeff a picture of him and his dog. The end.

Ha! Ha! Done!

Day 27

Day 27: This Month in Great Detail

Well, being as it's only the 13th, this shouldn't be THAT bad. Not a lot has really happened this month. My cousin Jeff's birthday was on the 3rd, I sent him a picture I found of him and his dog when she was a little bity puppy. I thought he may enjoy it. I, myself, found it precious.

I saw Alice in Wonderland twice. I loved it twice. I want my own Bandersnatch.

What else...? I saw Tony and his band play (that would be the aforementioned band Approaching Zer0). They rock. For reals. Quite literally, actually.

I ate at Dee's a few times. I don't know why I love that place. Maybe it's nostalgia... or maybe I'm just easy to please when it comes to burgers. Who the crap knows...

I visited Brigham city. But, you knew that already. In fact my diligent followers probably know ALL of this already. Not my fault! 30 Days of Blog has commanded I repeat all of this!!

I've been working on my new novel, a lot. I'm still in the outlining phase. I'm about 3/4 of the way there. My characters are looking good, and all my plot twists are ready to go. I'm just working out the in betweens and such. I'm hoping to have it all mapped out by Tuesday. Then I can get my first few chapters done, redone, redone again, and then hopefully queried out. Fingers crossed!

I guess that's been my month. Not much to report, and I think I'm alright with that. Things were stressful and not so much fun there for awhile. Now the dust (knock on wood) has settled, for the time being. So, I'm really okay with just breathing for now.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 26

Day 26: My Week in Great Detail

Alright, I missed it last night, but it was late. You people will just have to deal with it! (I am sorry, though. Truly, I am.)

Here we go:

Monday: I don't think I remember that much of Monday. Thinking... Thinking... Thinking.... Oh, right. I did nothing. I may have gone to the coffee house, and re-worked the novel's outline.
I did watch Big Bang Theory. I love that show with everything that I am. If I had any interest in science I would be Sheldon. Too true...

Tuesday: I believe Tuesday was the day I went to lunch with Tony. It was good times. We went to Wendy's, which was AWESOME, for we used to frequent that establishment almost daily. I thoroughly enjoyed our lunch outing.
I also wanted to watch NCIS that night, but CBS decided to be dysfunctional and have "audio difficulties". I don't recall what we watched instead... It must not have been that good.

Wednesday: Another nothing day. Read a little, worked on the book a little. I think that's about it. Gah! My life is so, very, boring!!

Thursday: This was the day we journeyed to Brigham city. I've blogged about this day "in great detail" earlier, as you've all read. Therefore, I'll be leaving Thursday and moving on to Friday.

Friday: The day started with my mom breaking, that's right BREAKING, my beautiful, valuable, ESSENTIAL, laptop. What a way to wake up. Now, in actuality, it was just the cord that charges the battery, and it was very much on the verge of extinction. She rapidly purchased a new one, and all was well.
After the computer drama, the family headed to the cinema to catch an early afternoon showing of Alice in Wonderland. I loved it the second time as much as the first. *smile* After the movie, we came home and my mom sold her baby pigs (random, I know) whilst I did my hair for the evening's festivities. We all popped over for a quick dinner of Chinese food, which was delicious, then Aly and I headed out to pick up Lacie. Once we had her in tow, we took the long way to Club Vegas. Approaching Zer0 was there, playing their last show for a while. *sad face* They played AWESOME. So rock and roll!! Yes!! Anywho, after the show, my girls and I went to Dee's. (Where else?!) After the scrumptious cheese fries we departed for our homesteads. It was a busy day (although now that I've typed it all out, it doesn't sound like it) but a successful one.

Saturday: That would be today. So far, I've woken up and had a cup of coffee. Woo hoo.

What an exciting life I lead.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 25

Day 25: My Day in Great Detail

Alright... Here I go...

I woke up at 9:11 A.M., only hitting the "snooze" twice. I remember thinking "Wow. Nine eleven. What a terrible time to wake up". I sat up, threw my legs over the edge of the bed and rolled my neck around a few times. It was stiff. I did the same with my ankles, until they popped. Then, sighing, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I'll leave out what occurred directly after. I brushed my teeth, smoothed out my hair (not really choosing to redo it, I left it in pig tails, and rolled them into buns) and threw on easy, no fuss make-up. Before I left the bathroom, the Baby Cat (Sphinx) strolled in, sat down, and barfed. Yummy. What a lovely start to my day...

After cleaning up Baby's lovely gift, I went back to my room. I sat on my bed and stared at my closet, contemplating the day's wardrobe choices. My eyes also found their way to the pile of laundry I still have left to do. Oh joy. I stood up and reached for the pair of jeans on the top of the pile (not dirty, mind you, just there because I was too lazy to put them away the day before). I also grabbed and green tank top, white tee-shirt and other appropriate items needed for the day. After tying my brown shoes, I sprayed on some body spray (Dream Angels Heavenly) grabbed my red Chip 'n Dale jacket and plaid scarf, then headed up the stairs.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, added my Irish creme (not the awesome kind, I'm afraid) then doubled checked my purse for my needed items. After helping Grandma lock up the puppies, I yanked a muffin off the counter and dashed into the car.

Grandma and I arrived at my Aunt's house (only ten minutes late, not too bad). I got out and moved to the back seat, being as I still don't drive on Utah interstates. My aunt climbed into the driver's seat, Andrea chilled in the back with me, and we were off to northern Utah. After we stopped for gas, of coarse.

Once at my mom's house in Brigham city, Grandma and Aunt Cindy set to work helping my mom pack up for her big move to Idaho, and Andrea and I got back in the car to make a Wal-mart run and to pop by Wendy's for some food. We decided on 8 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers, 4 medium fries and our chosen beverages. Oh... That was some good eating!

Now that we were full and happy, we got to work sorting and packing. Andrea and I took one of my mom's bedrooms and went to town. With our iPods on we were happy little packing elves! We each set aside some chosen items to take home (and add to our own cluttered spaces) like little consolation prizes for digging through other people's junk :)

Toward the end of the afternoon, we were all beat. Deciding to call it a day, Andrea, Aunt Cindy and I helped my mom load the baby pigs into the truck, and we headed back down to the valley. Home was freezing. After letting the dogs out, we jacked up the heat, and sat down for some Project Runway. Yes! Dinner was sure to follow (hamburger with mac and cheese, on of my favorites).

By the time Project Runway and the Mentalist were over, Mom and Grandma were pooped, so they headed off to bed. I, in the meantime, struggled to catch up with my day long absence from Tumblr. It's difficult to keep with all the people I'm following, if I've been gone the ENTIRE day. Gah! I should be paid to play on Tumblr. I work on it like a job. Bleh. Anywho, that puts me to right now. I finished up with my websites, and just barely remembered to do today's "30 Days of Blog". Now, I'm going to bed, packing is exhausting. I don't know why, but it is.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 24

Day 24: Something that Tickles My Fancy

I absolutely adore them. Oui! Oui! J'adore!!
Every spring, in Utah at least, it's bitter and cold. But then, I see these lovely flowers sprouting. They're so beautiful, yet so resilient to withstand a "Utah spring".

Tulips are like a sign of hope. "Hold on! Spring will come. We're proof!"My heart smiles every time I see one. As sappy and cliche as that sounds, it's true.

They're like my little spring-time friends that pop up just when I need them.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 23

Day 23: A YouTube Video

(Click title for video. It's also found on my Tumblr. You HAVE to watch it)

Almost as funny as "The Mysterious Ticking Noise". For reals.

Angst... Angst... Angst...

Day 22

Day 22: A Website

It's the best website, when you're bored. You register, select your interests, and click "stumble". It will take you to a random website within your interests. So cool! You can also click the "thumbs up" icon and it will take you to other websites like that, or there's a "thumbs down" so it will avoid that site and others like it.

It's a great way to kill and hour or seven.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 21

Day 21: A Recipe
  • Cook noodles
  • Dump in sauce
  • Eat it
That's all I got.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 20

Day 20: A Hobby of Mine

A lot.
Really a lot.

You thought it would be anything else? Ha!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 19

Day 19: A Talent of Mine

The ability to stay in character.
I'm just going to leave it at that.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 18

Day 18: Something that Tickles My Fancy

I absolutely LOVE Broadway musicals. I love to listen to them, see them, and read about them. I sometimes wish I had taken voice lessons with my dance classes. I just may have had a career. Ah, well, coulda woulda shoulda.

Anywho, the world of musical theater does more than tickle my fancy. It lights up my soul!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 17

Day 17: An Art Piece

Now, I realize this isn't REALLY a piece of art. But, it was to me! I worked my arse off on this punkin'. I was so proud of it. He was scary! Hence the frightened look on my face. When I finally had to throw him away, I almost cried (and by almost, I mean had to sit outside and compose myself before I could go back in the house). I miss him...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 16

Day 16: A Song that Makes Me Cry

Go the Distance
From Disney's Hercules
Alan Menken and David Zippel

This is my most favorite Disney song. Not only is this song overlooked, but this entire MOVIE is overlooked. I love it.

Once upon a time... I had to have my gallbladder out. I was TERRIFIED. Not really of the surgery, or of dying, or of having my organs prodded and removed. I was extremely frightened of "awareness" during the surgery. I read this horror story while in my younger years (I'm talking 7th grade... or 4th grade... somewhere around there) about a woman who was "asleep" but, totally aware during her surgery. She felt EVERYTHING, and couldn't do a thing about it. Anywho, that is where my "awareness" fear stems from. The day before the operation Dr. Surgeon (I think it was Dr. Lambert or something of the like) asked if I had any questions for him. I finally found the courage to ask about my highly insane, yet totally legitimate fear. He shook his head with a smile and told me the chance of that was extremely rare, and I think he may have said something about my heart rate and blood pressure would alert them, I don't remember exactly. He made me feel a small amount better. Like this much better. But, being the brave girl that I am, I proceed with my surgery.
The day of mine surgery had arrived. I took a deep breath, and walked into my OR with my head held high. And what do I hear upon entering? Disney music. Dr. Surgeon knew of my current employment, and my love for Disney. Laying on the table, they started my IV. My anesthesiologist tells me I'm going to get sleepy. The last thing I remember...? A certain song. Go the Distance. I listened to about half of it before I took my brain by the balls and said "you've got this". Then I woke up, hurting, nauseous, and sans gallbladder.

While I know the delightful sleepy drugs kicked in... I give this song credit for helping me through it. I love this song even more because it gave me the extra little bit of courage I needed to go the distance... And I did.

I truly get misty eyed every time I hear it. Which, I might add, is embarrassing during the "wishes set free" portion of Wishes (every time!) I'm reminded of that silly little story, and it gives me hope and courage that I'll find my destiny and be able to achieve it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 15

Day 15: A Fanfic

Alright. I don't write nor read "fanfics" (fiction written about already existing stories, unofficial spin offs, if you will).

I don't really have anything against fanfics. I just... I don't know, there's no real substance to them. And, aren't there some sort of copyright laws being violated there? I know for some, it may be flattering or what not. But, if people were writing about the lives of my characters, I'd be pissed. I'd feel like you'd be ruining my characters and their lives. Then, as a result, my life. Back off! Try writing your OWN story. With your OWN people. Have we, as a society, completely run out of originality?! We have to rewrite someone else's crap?! Ingenuity people! Trust me... it's better! Why do you think I wear mismatched earrings, or write my own novels, or do my own interior decorating? Because it's ME. Not someone else's opinion or idea of what's awesome. It IS awesome. It's 100% authentic. It's real.

Huh... I guess I do have something against fanfics.
