Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 14

Day 14: A Non-fictional Book

The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies

Don't judge me.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 13

Day 13: A Fictional Book

American Gods By Neil Gaiman

I just finished this book last week and it was NOTHING I expected. Briefly, it's about the mythological gods and their roles (or lack thereof) in America. It wasn't as adventurous as I was hoping, but in no way did I want to put it down. This book really forced me to remember there are older things and older ways than what we know. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I'm so grateful that the literary world has someone like Gaiman to keep the spirit of "grown up" enchantment alive.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 12

Day 12: Something That Tickles My Fancy

I love coffee. It does more than tickle my fancy. It fuels my life! It's delicious, it's energizing, and it warms your body and soul. The above image is 100% true. Ask my mom. She says I drink too much coffee. She lies!! 18 cups a day is NOT too much. I promise! (It's actually only three to six, fear not.) Who needs sleep?! I've got coffee!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 11

Day 11: A Photo of Me Taken Recently

My birthday! It's the most recent photo of myself that I have. That really was a fun (albeit frigid) night. I was the birthday captain AND a queen. I was a very kind and just sovereign. Ruling is hard... but somebody's got to do it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not 1999

So... My last post (Day 10) was, as I feared, wrong. It's the head shot from Nutcracker 2000. I remembered this when I took another look at the photo and realized I had no braces. I got my braces off in September of 2000 (what a liberating day THAT was). Which means the photo could not have taken place in 1999.

There you go.

I should be on CSI.

Day 10

Day 10: A Photo of Me Taken Ten Years Ago

Meh heh heh. So... this was taken ten years ago (I think) and it's the oldest picture I have in my computer, so it's what you get. Wow... I look like a freaking baby.

This is my 1999 (I think) head shot. My ten year old head shot (I think). This makes me feel so old. SO OLD. Yuck. This was for Nutcracker. I was in 9th grade (I think). Good times! I miss having my dancing ability. Eh, what can ya do? I was on dance company in 99. I quit halfway through the year. It sucked. Pissed me off one too many times. I didn't tell the dance company director (director? teacher? leader? dictator? whatever you call her) that I was "quitting" I just dropped it from my schedule at the end of the second quarter. Bah ha ha! I was a vengeful little child. Anywho, that's what I think of when I see this picture. That, and I miss Marcia. I need to hang out with her more. It's interesting how few of my "dance friends" I still have contact with. Lacie and Marcia are the only ones, I think. I'm "Facebook friends" with almost all of them, but we don't even talk there. I think I'm sad about that. It just goes to show you who sticks around and who doesn't. "Friends" vs. "People you know". Something to ponder...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 09

Day 09: A Photo I Took

This would be Spectromagic. Commonly known as Spectro. This would also be the last time I watched this parade. The parade really isn't that bad as a spectator. Participating, however, is a whole other story. Anywho, I am particularly fond of this shot. With the (near) clarity of Artemis, and the castle in the background, it never fails to give my heart a smile. While I rave about my awesome powers of photography, this photo was, truthfully, pure luck. As it always is with Spectro.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 08

Day 08: A Photo That Makes Me Sad

In March 2008 Grandpa and Aunt Cindy drove my car to me in Florida. Whilst they were visiting, I took them to Magic Kingdom. This is one of my favorite spots to get a good shot with the castle in the background. So... We took this picture. Afterwards, we watched Spectro and Wishes. Grandpa looked just like a little boy watching the fireworks, with his eyes wide, and face all lit up. It was the perfect moment.

In training for Disney, they tell you to find your "pixie dust"; your own personal magic moment that reminds you why you do your job.

This moment was mine.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 07

Day 07: A Photo That Makes Me Happy

I absolutely adore this photo. It's such a mark of true beauty. Simple, yet far from boring. I feel good just looking at it. So lovely...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 06

Day 06: Whatever Tickles My Fancy

The ballet Romeo and Juliet

This is not only my favorite ballet, but contains within it my favorite piece of classical music: Romeo and Juliet, Op 64: Montagues and Capulets (you can find said musical number on my playlist at the bottom of this page). It's beautiful. Tragically beautiful. Which, in my unprofessional opinion, is the best kind.

Not being the biggest fan of the original play Romeo and Juliet, I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed the ballet upon seeing it. It just felt so much more genuine as a dance piece.

My love for this will never die.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 05

Day 05: Favorite Quote
It's like he's in my head! I reflect upon this quote quite often. It gives me a sense of something bigger. Like there's more out there than this measly life I'm living. There's also a flavor of hope in it. "Don't worry, you're meant for more. You just have to find it..." Lewis tells me.

Thank you, Lewis. I'll keep looking...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Days 01-04

Day 01: Favorite Song

The Princess Pleads for Wallace's Life
James Horner
London Symphony Orchestra

I do have a THOUSAND favorite songs. But, this one always seems to put me someplace else when I hear it. Each time it plays on the many playlists it lives in within my iPod I'm instantly transported to a place of beauty, enchantment and a bit of mystery. It's subtle and genuine, with a sense of unique-ness not found anywhere else in my world. I absolutely adore it. It suits me and any mood I may be in at anytime. Sometimes I feel as though it was written for me; as if tailored to my one of a kind style. Thank you Horner, I will forever be in your debt for this piece.

Day 02: Favorite Movie

Moulin Rouge!
Directed by Baz Luhrmann

This is one I had no trouble determining as a favorite. I have an actual list of "Favorite Movies of All Time", and this movie tops it. The collage of music, period wardrobe, unconventional love, and true beauty, makes this film the best. It's in your face and all over the place. This movie is a total spaz! (Quite like myself.) And the tango! I have no words for the Tango d'Roxanne... Remember... The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.

Day 03: Favorite Television Program


This I had trouble with. There are so many great shows out there. This one, however, is the one I watch the most, quote the most, and when I see it on the cable guide, I HAVE to watch it. I can't look away. Those reasons are what led me to label it my official favorite. My cousin Andrea and I have determined that you can relate any life moment to a Friends quote and/or episode. We have yet to prove that theory wrong. It was well written, with exquisitely portrayed characters that were relatable, and 100% lovable. When this show ended, I felt like my actual friends left me. Sad, I know, but it's the truth.

Day 04: Favorite Book
Not being able to choose a "favorite" (it really is like choosing a favorite child...) I've listed some that really stand out, and will remain with me FOREVER.

Capt. Hook
J.V. Hart

Tells the story of the young Jas. Hook. Of coarse this would be one of my favorites. I'm in love with the good Captain even more after reading this novel.

Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien

Duh. Of coarse this would be a contender for my "favorite book". Epic, Adventurous, Magical, this one has it all. Pure brilliance.

Eldest (Book 2 in the Inheritance Cycle)
Christopher Paolini

Imaginative in a believable way. Arya is one of my most favorite literary characters EVER. May not be written the best... but it has a nice delivery and makes you think of these people as real; with real emotions and real reasons for doing for what they do. This book is my particular favorite in the series, because it gives us quite a bit of Paolini's version of an Elven culture. Which, I love.

Neil Gaiman

It's a fairy tale for adults! Yes! How could you go wrong?! While it differs slightly from the movie, it's beautiful. Really, I get a twinkle in my eye when I think about it...

There you have it. My first four day of "30 Days of Blog". I hope you all enjoyed my choices and, perhaps, learned a little something about my personality and taste. What is in store for tomorrow...? Tune in for an all new "Kim's 30 Days of Blog"!!

Meh heh heh.

30 Days of Blog

Upon my Tumblr you will find what has been dubbed "30 Days of Blog".
Having chosen to participate I've decided to put it here too, for fear that some people only read one of my thousands of blogs. AND, they can do it as well if they find it an interesting idea.

All you do is one quick post a day. It can be short. (BAM! Here it is). Or, if you so choose, one can elaborate upon their decisions and/or favorite things.

Here are the requirements:

Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Now, being as I've already begun this (again on my Tumblr I will be posting an immediate blog entry following this one with my days one through four. So as to catch up.

Feel free to join in on the fun of 30 Days of Blog... It's... interesting...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And You Were Worried...

The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before."
-Albert Einstein

I keep telling people that I'm fine not having a large number of friends.
Here is proof, that it's okay.
No need to worry anymore.
That is all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kimmy's Golden!

Alright... So, it was my birthday a little while ago. And, not just any birthday. My golden birthday. I turned 25 on the 25th. I was thrilled *enter sarcasm here*. For lack of a better phrase... I just wasn't feeling it. Which was disheartening being as I've been looking forward to this precise birthday for a good number of years. Which sort of turned into a double whammy... I was bummed about being bummed. Awesome. Anywho...

A few of us journeyed to our local Ruby Tuesdays for a delicious meal. Lacie and I made a list of 25 things to do on my 25th birthday. To your left you'll find me accomplishing #23 (eat birthday steak). Fear not mine followers, I quickly thrust the broccoli upon my sister directly after the photo.

Other items upon the list included:
#2 Perform a Chinese fire drill
#19 See a movie I've never seen
#9 Do the chicken dance
#5 Get 25 signatures upon a birthday card
#12 Howl whenever the word "birthday" is said
#20 Meet 25 strangers
#17 Whenever exiting a building exclaim "may the force be with you!"

#13 Make a list of 25 things I want to do before I turn 26:
1. Get halfway done or finish a writing a book
2. Get a "job"
3. Buy exercise equipment
4. Go canoeing
5. Visit Jessie/Disney
6. Go to Yellowstone
7. Read The Alchemist
8. Get a frog for Dagobah*
9. Obtain a passport
10. Donate blood
11. Pay off credit card
12. Eat at the Tea Room in the Grand America Hotel
13. Go camping
14. Put up curtains in my bathroom
15. Start running again
16. Go to a museum
17. Find the perfect swimsuit
18. Consider serious tattoo options
19. Go to the ballet
20. Hang pictures in my hallway
21. See The Breakfast Club
22. Make an actual career move
23. Lose at least 20 pounds
24. Make and/or obtain a Jedi cloak
25. Go through my crap and donate stuff

*My mom got me a "frog habitat" modeled after the Dagobah system from Star Wars. It even comes with a teeny tiny Yoda.

Whew. I find it a significant list. I've already started going through the boxes in my study and have one whole bag of stuff to donate. Go me.

Speaking of my study. It got an overhaul. I acquired a new (better and matching) bookshelf. Therefore, I had to rearrange. It's far better now than it once was. Not to mention I was able to frame a number of things I wanted to put up, including my writing "award" and my official Jedi Padawan training certificate. It's all kinds of fancy in there now. Makes me happy.

I would like to take this time in my blog to thank those who attended my birthday celebration; and apologize for forcing you out in the cold to help me reach my quota of strangers and signatures. I would also like to thank my family for taking me to Olive Garden and the movie, my mom for the car light, book, and picture frame, my sister for the fabulous box, Lacie for the adorable bag of awesomeness, the Schneider's for the gift card, and for viewers like you.

Thank you.

Meh heh heh.