Sunday, October 19, 2008

Not the Most Original Song, But I Like It.

Last night was... For lack of a better word, interesting. I went to a party which was, for everyone else, super-de-duper fun, but not so much for me. It's not the host's fault. I just didn't know anyone else but my roommate and we just didn't fit. We were those outsiders looking in. I hate that. Boo whore. Anywho, once we finally decided to leave we made it a little over half way home and my roommate's car dies on I-4. Literally dies. We were stuck on the shoulder of the interstate. Big fun. So after many phone calls we get Katrina (the friend we call "mom") and her fiance to come with assistance, ie: gas and jumper cables. After the gas proved to be fruitless we call AAA. 

"Sure, they'll be there in about 90 minutes."

"90 minutes?!"

"Yup, you're the priority since you're on the interstate."

"But... 90 minutes...?"


Priority?! Uh... Ok. Soon after the phone call the Fates decide to have a few more laughs and send a spider to crawl across the windshield (I know it was for laughs because it was on the outside). He was a terrifying little mother f-er too. Very creepy crawly. Definitely NOT appreciated. Moving on... 90 minutes later tow truck guy gets there and loads her car up. We follow him in Katrina's car to... I don't know... Goodyear, I think. The car is then unloaded and we proceed home. 

Now that I've typed it all out it sounds a lot less dramatic. But, it was a mini adventure for us. I guess you had to be there. 

Good news!! I have to sing the song. It's was better with the song. *clears throat*

Ding dong the witch moved out
The witch moved out.
The witch moved out.
Ding dong the wicked witch moved out!!!!!

Yeah!!! My roommate (the one who caused the turmoil with the water) moved away. Where to, you ask? I don't care. What about the rent, you ask? Doesn't matter, we'll be out by the first and her name is the only one on the lease. I will be sooooo happy to wash my hands of this entire living situation. Jenn and I are moving on to better things. Peace out.

I'm going to the Halloween party at Magic Kingdom tonight. I am oh so thrilled. I'm going as a purple fairy. Not the costume I originally planned, but you do what you can with the money (or lack thereof) you have. I'm meeting one of my friends there and we are going to party the night away Disney style. Fabulous!! Yes!!

Not much else for now. I best start fairying up for tonight's festivities. Awesome.

Namarie melloneamin

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Spectro Magic?

Well, my delightful friends at Disney scheduling took it upon themselves to force my overcome of another fear this week. Spectromagic. I am not a fan of parades. I didn't like them the moment we met and the feeling was mutual. Having one day a week in the pool meant we were going to face each other, I knew that. I could feel it in my bones. Two weeks ago, I check my schedule and behold! Day parade... PM assignment... and DUN DUN DUN... Spectromagic. 


My soul quivered. I knew it. I knew this was going to happen. So what do I do...? I kick ass that's what I do! Because I am a freakin warrior. Was it magical? Not for me especially. But I did it. I paraded like there was no tomorrow. With every fiber of my being I threw myself into the fire with only one goal: survive. Now here I stand, stronger, braver and exhausted. Parade wars are tiring. 

I suppose this is just a time of growing and reflecting (because it's good to reflect on your growth). So this is me... reflecting. 

I like hammocks. They're nice.

I believe I'm going to leave you now. As I said earlier, battling parade is strenuous. It takes a lot out of one. My eyes are heavy. My soul is weary. Not weak nor fragile. Only spent.

Namarie melloneamin

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Drought

That's right. We have no water. I need a shower... But alas... I'm SOL.

My roommate neglected to tell me that she needed money by today or our water was going to be shut off. She claims she got the notice but didn't put it on the fridge or mention it because she "knew we didn't have any money". Then she left to stay at her boyfriend's house. So when we go to use water this afternoon, there is none. Are you freaking kidding me?! I could have scrounged up ten bucks for my portion of the water bill. What gives you the right to decide if I should or shouldn't know something about a bill I'm paying?! Am I out of line here for being furious about this...? I have held my tongue about her on my blog because it's not blocked and she could pop right on here and read it. I chose to spare her feelings. But not this time. This is ridiculous. Taking liberties like that is just something I don't put up with. I can't pee in my own house!! Can you imagine?! I can, because I'M LIVING IT!! The last time I wrote a check and left it on the fridge for our utilities she didn't cash it for over a month and a half. Therefore, I don't leave them there anymore. *Side note: Here's irony for you, it just started raining. Should I run out there and try to wash my hair...? End of side note* It's just not fair when you're reliable and you pay your shit on time only for it to be in vain. Not one tiny little bit fair. 

On a slightly happier note I am glad to report that I drove on the freeway. Yes, that's right. You heard correct. Kim for the first time in almost seven years drove on a major interstate. Intentionally, I might add. I was not lost nor confused. I chose too. And I have twice since then. Go me. I do believe the peasants are rejoicing. (Now that I have no running water, does that make me one of the peasants...?)

Back to my grievances, I would just like to let you all know that my internet connection has failed once again. It quit while writing this very blog. It died on us AGAIN saturday night and only started working once more about an hour ago. New Internet is sucking. I is pissed. No need to fear though, oh faithful readers (all three of you) for I will be copying and pasting this rancid blog. My complaints need to be heard round the world and I am going to see that they are!!

Now... Where were we...? Ah yes, my triumph over our terrifying roadways. I am quite proud of myself for braving the frightful ways of I-4. Although, I-4 is nothing compared to the perilous I-15. That is the true deathtrap. However it was a fear I have now almost conquered completely (knock on wood). That's right, praise me...

I have started reading Brisinger. AMAZING so far. I love the whole theme of the book. The emotional toll of war on a hero is so heartbreaking and I love that Paolini is touching on it. Bravo, my friend, bravo. I love it and I'm only a third of the way into it. My excitement to get back to it is almost unbearable but I feel the need to pace myself. The sooner I complete the book, the longer I have to wait for the next one. Which makes me die a little inside, with it being the last book and all. I can't even think about it. I'll cry.

In Kim's movie news I saw an EXCELLENT film yesterday: Burn After Reading being it's title. It's not your conventional humor, which makes me very happy. It has a lot of intelligent humor. I love the kind that makes you think, and this film does a splendid job of it. Brad Pitt is freaking hilarious. His character is so not what you are used to seeing him as, and I think he pulled it off flawlessly. George Clooney, also, plays a character out of his norm and did a superb job as well. I am also giving a shout out to the rest of the fabulous cast. I loved each and everyone of them.  I highly recommend this movie to friends and family alike as long as you're alright with the fuck word. I mean the F word. Sorry. My internal censor didn't catch that one. I am absolutely delighted that this film has been brought into my life. I needed a good one.

Alright, the copying and pasting of this blog will now commence so that I may post it later (hopefully tonight).

That is all.

Namarie melloneamin.

Uh... Yeah... It won't let me copy so we're going to hope to God that this window will stay open whilst New Internet people fix this mess. If I lose this blog New Internet guy will most likely lose his head. Or something else... I'll leave that to your own twisted imaginations...