Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 21: Turn On's and Turn Off's

Turn on's include but are not limited to:

  • Deep smile lines
  • Suits
  • Shiny eyes
  • Certain accents
  • Intelligence
  • Strong, firm jaw
  • Confidence
  • Musical instrument playing
  • Comedic style

Turn off's and/or possible deal breakers:

  • Animal allergies
  • Taking longer than me to get ready
  • Liking certain football teams
  • Being mean to animals
  • Not knowing what you want
  • Lying
  • Thinking I'm not "tough enough"
  • Too clingy

Day 20: Concerts You Have Attended

This is where you're going to roll your eyes. Get ready for it. Seriously, stretch first.

Music is very important to me. I listen to it. I love it.

But, not in any sort of "normal" way. My favorite genres would be film scores and classical. Enough of the stalling, on to the list.

  1. My first concert I attended was Lee Greenwood. I was two-ish years old and it was at the Utah State fair. He blew me a kiss.
  2. Next was Billy Ray Cyrus. I was nine and in the third grade. He was my idol. Because of that, he will always have a special place in my heart.
  3. After that came Garth Brooks. (Can you tell I was raised on country music?) I sat with my cousin Andrea and school chum Jenna. We were 12 or 13, I don't remember exactly. Any who, he put on a good show.
  4. Since I got the aforementioned school chum a ticket to Garth Brooks, she scored me a ticket to the Brooks & Dunn/Reba McEntire concert. I had a ball, because Reba was very important to me. Still is. There's even a rather legitimate chance I'm related to her. For reals.
  5. Now we move into the boy band phase. Excited?! Okay. N'SYNC. I only got to see the last half of the encore. Why, you ask? Excellent question. We got tickets months in advance, and I learned later that I had a rehearsal. This was during my ballet dancer years, and the rehearsal was deemed "VERY IMPORTANT". So, I did my dancer duty and went to rehearsal. Lame. I shouldn't have, the rehearsal hardly involved me and I was pissed. But! You gotta do what you gotta do. I rushed to the concert late, and missed the entire show. I did enjoy the limo ride home with my girls, though.
  6. N'SYNC again. This time, I saw the whole show, and we were about 15th row on the ground. We had a freaking blast. I wore my wristband for weeks.
  7. Chris LeDoux. My mom rodeoed with him in Europe decades (did you hear that Mom? I said decades) ago. So, we've always been fans.
  8. One more for Chris LeDoux. He didn't sing Copenhagen this time around. So after the show, people who brought Copenhagen cans threw them at the stage anyway. My mom chucked hers right into a security guard. Awesome.
  9. December of 2007 I was taken to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. My hell, what a show. Those people redefine epic. I'm bummed I have yet to see Beethoven's Last Night. However, this show was so much fun. I felt on top of the world. My friend Chaz and I had the time of our lives and will never forget it.

Thus ends my list. It's a little sad, but I don't think I'm really bothered by it. Concerts aren't really my thing. I enjoyed every single one of them, but I'm pretty content about my lack of concert attendance.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 19: A List of All the Places You've Lived

Ripon, California

West Valley, Utah

Sandy, Utah

West Jordan, Utah

South Jordan, Utah

Riverton, Utah

Midvale, Utah

Davenport, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Aberdeen, Idaho

And, I think that's it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 18: Name the TV Show You've Become Addicted to

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Don't judge me!

I freaking love this show.

I grew up on My Little Ponies. I wanted to live with them. They were my best friends. When this new generation pooped up, I wasn't sure I liked their new design. Then (thanks to a few MLP tumblrs, which are awesome) I found the screencaps hilarious, and a nice use of animation. So, I checked into it, and decided to watch a few episodes. I thought it was... nice. They were okay, not terrific. Then, Pinkie Pie showed up. OH MY HELL. She makes the show. Her randomness is flawless, and she makes perfect sense by not making any sense. If that makes any sense...

After I understood the dynamic and the way each pony contributes, I fell in love. I also love the way it's funny, but not in a crude, or demeaning way. So many shows for kids these days are obnoxious, loud, and disrespectful. Young people get enough of that in the real world. Let's show them some fun, and beauty.

And, Pinkie Pie is funny.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 17: What Do You Want to Be When You Get Older?

I'm going to do this in list form, if you don't mind.

When I was a small child:

  • Zookeeper
  • Waitress
  • Dancer
  • Singer
  • Roller skater

High school/young adult years:

  • Actress
  • Fashion designer
  • Private investigator
  • Lawyer
  • Dancer
  • Writer

Stuff I've actually gone to school for:

  • Film
  • Anthropology/archeology
  • Law
  • Graphic design

Things I REALLY want to be:

  • Superhero
  • Spy
  • Paranormal researcher
  • Museum curator
  • Writer
  • Rock star
  • Pirate

I guess you could say I'm a little indecisive.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 15: A Photo of Someone You Fancy at the Moment

Allow me to paint a picture with words. (To protect his identity, of coarse)

Fair of hair, light of eyes, nice build. Funny, personable, happy.


Lives far away from me, now.

Has no idea I pine for him. (Ha!)

... May have a girlfriend*

Specific enough for you?

*Does have a girlfriend

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 14: Provide Pictures of Five Celbrity Crushes

Daniel Craig
Ewan McGregor
David Bowie/Jareth the Goblin King
Heath Ledger
David Tennant

Enjoy the eye candy, ladies!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 13: Three Confessions of Your Choice

  1. One time, when I was a small child, I broke a plastic hanger when my family and I were at Sears. I thought they were going to send me to jail. So I cried.
  2. I can not get enough HGTV
  3. Senior year of high school, I had a crush on a boy (who people told me looked like Harry Potter, which I didn't see then, but see now) and I rigged the instrumental music secret santa drawing so I could be his secret santa. It didn't help. He still didn't notice me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 11: Your Favorite Quote

For quite sometime it's been:
And although I'm having trouble letting go of it, lately I've been obsessed with the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henely:

I also try to live by this, however I suck at it:

Day 10: If You Could Only Live Off of One Food and One Beverage for the Rest of Your Days, What Would They Be?

I would have to say a burger and fries (that counts as one food, I promise) because that's my go to/default order. When I'm at a new restaurant, or don't know what I want, I go with a burger, simply because I know I'm going to like it; and I ALWAYS want fries. Always.

Coffee would be my beverage of choice. Like you didn't know that. It's freaking perfection.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 9: Pet Peeves

I have many, MANY, pet peeves. Some of which I'm silent about, others I repeat to the world over and over again.

Let's start with an easy one... The new opening to Doctor Who. *Unpopular opinion time!!* I'm rapidly losing my fondness for Amy Pond. Not necessarily her as a character, (although I don't think, nor ever have thought she deserves Rory) but this whole "turn Doctor Who into the Amy Pond show" is trying my patience. After the show's opening scene when it's supposed to cut to the credit sequence and I hear "when I was a little girl..." instead, it's all I can do to not just shut it off and leave the room. Instant hate. I'm over it. The show is titled Doctor Who not Amy Pond-Loser Face.

I understand if any of you unfollow me due to the above rant.

Another skin crawling annoyance I have is when people forget there are two sides to every story. Especially in "entertainment news" (which I loathe) and politics. I tend to steer away from such topics, anyway. I find myself wanting to turn it into a debate on human intentions, and the arguer's narrow perspectives, which people frown upon. So, I keep my mouth shut. I don't like to hurt people's feelings, and calling their interests ignorant, and their opinions mean, often leads to injured pride. I'm not in the business of being an asshole. Well, I try not to be...

Sometimes people have this little habit of using the same joke over, and over, and over, and over, and over... Leave it alone people! There are several of my family members of which I can predict what they're going to say in response to something, only because they use that "joke" a hundred times a day. Get some new material. Please! I beg you!

Don't eat my food. I'll kill you dead. That's all I need to say on that one.

I really hate loaning my stuff out. Really. I'm not sure if it's because I'm afraid to get it back, or if I think you're going to wreck whatever I give you... I don't know. I just don't like doing it.

You know when you go to the bathroom (stay with me, I'm not going to get gross) and you reach over... and THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER. Yup. How hard is it to just put a new roll in the dispenser?! I don't understand! It's so disrespectful to care only about your own butt and not the butts of others! Ever heard of common courtesy?! Yeah... You're doing it wrong. WRONG.

Well, I can really go on for days... but, I'm just going to leave you with these choice few pet peeves, and release you to go about your day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 8: Three Things You Want to Say to Different People

Jessie- I love you and I know you're going through a tough time right now. However, if you pull that shit again I'm going to kill you myself. Love ya :)

Future Niece- You're awesome. Keep being awesome. Don't worry. I'll teach you how.

Captain Jas Hook- I'm here and I'm single. Now is your chance...

Day 7: Do You Read? What are Your Favorite Books?

Bah ha ha! Do I read?!


Yes, I read. Too much, usually. So much, in fact, that it's not uncommon for me to be reading more than one book at a time. Right now I'm reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I'm about to start The Catcher in the Rye. Very excited about both.

Some of my favorites include, but are not limited to:

Lord of the Rings

The Once and Future King

The Vampire Lestat

Neverending Story

The Adventures of a Notorious Youth, Capt. Hook

I also enjoyed the Harry Potter, the Inheritance cycle, the Song of Ice and Fire series, the Alchemist... I could go on for days.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 6: What Band or Musician is Most Important to You?

Gah! I'm not picking just one. Not. Doing. It.

In random order:

David Bowie

The Beatles

Billy Joel

The Spice Girls

Elton John

Michael Jackson

Day 5: Five Places You Want to Visit

Only five?! I'll try.

Scotland, I think, would be first on the list. Just because I feel like I belong there. I have a bumper sticker (the entire length of my bumper) that reads "real men wear kilts". I can not tell you how many time I've caught people snapping cell phone pics of the back of my car. It's alright, though. Fredrick likes the attention.

England is on "the list". I would love it there. I feel like they know how to live. They do it right.

France. So I can eat bread and look at art.

Egypt. Pyramids. Valley of the Kings. Cairo Museum.

Italy. Food. Art. Food. More food.

Well, shit. I've reached my five already! Dammit. I didn't get to India, or the Cayman Islands, Greece or Canada. I want to go on an Alaskan cruise too!

Ha ha. I cheated. I listed more than five...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 4: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

My Tumblr and Blogspot "name" is KimmySoo. To reveal the personal meaning this name has we have to go back... Way back.

Picture, if you will, a wee little 7th grader called Kim. It's the first day of middle school. (Yes, in Utah middle school doesn't start until 7th grade; I have no idea why they feel the need to do that) She's nervous and knows not one person in her homeroom class. She decided not to attend the same middle school all of her fellow classmates from elementary school flew off to.

She wanted new opportunities. New opportunities and better safety. There was quite a high violence and gang rating at her "in range" middle school. So, she chose elsewhere.

Anywho... Sitting in front of the wide eyed, freaked out, little girl was a blond girl.

Andrea Bowen.

I will never forget Andrea Bowen. Lots of golden hair, gathered in a ponytail, glasses, short, but spicy. She wasn't one to be pushed around. She enjoyed laughing, though. She quickly introduced herself to me, then asked my name.

"Kim" I told her.

Well... that wasn't cool enough I guess. Throughout the next week, she took to adding the extra m and y. But, that still wasn't good enough. At the end of the week, I walked into class, sat down and was greeted by miss Andrea Bowen.

"Hey there Kimmy Sue!"

"Hey, Andrea. Sue isn't my middle name" I answered, giggling. I was beginning to figure her out, and learned when in doubt, laugh.

Shaking her head Andrea Bowen only said "I don't care. I like it and will call you that from now on."

That she did, too.

I went home that afternoon, and told my family about my new friend Andrea Bowen, and her nickname for me. They found it hilarious, and started referring to me as their Kimmy Sue.

Well, I'm a bit of an odd duck. I enjoyed the name, don't get me wrong. However, I was still troubled by the fact that my middle name is not, nor ever has been, Sue. I felt quite conflicted with my middle name conundrum.

So what do I do? I make it my own. Change the ue to oo. Soo.

I like it!

Let's sum up!

Kim=Kimmy=Kimmy Sue=Kimmy Soo

Now, here I am, 26 years old and I'm still referred to as Kimmy Soo. It stuck. I use it for most "username" scenarios.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 3: Your Day in Great Detail

I awoke this morning quite naturally. No noises. No urge to pee. No alarm. Wait... No alarm. What?! Why didn't it go off? It wakes me up everyday. EVERYDAY.

What happened? What did I miss? What am I late for? Oh right.


Hey, there's coffee! Awesome.

Well... Look at that. I accidentally turned off the repeat feature on my phone's alarm clock. Cool. All fixed now. What's going on on Tumblr?

Hmm... A bit quiet. My Little Pony on the tele for background noise? Perfect.



Tumblr. Tumblr. Tumblr


That sure was fun. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast sounded fun too. Mmm.

Still hungry.


Clanging in the kitchen signifies Mom is doing some dishes. Good. Good. Decide to empty dishwasher. While placing items in their correct cabinet (which wasn't easy, I'm new here) I noticed the lack of garbage bag in garbage. Better write down that were out.

I figured I may as well make an actual grocery list.

Aaaaaand, done. Good looking list.

Tumblr again.

Movie with mom. Knight and Day with Cruise and Diaz. Eh, not the best, but it had a moment or two.

Mom suggested watching another movie. What movie do I choose? Muppets from Space.

'Cause I'm sophisticated like that.

Ate a Twinkie. It was delicious.

At this point, tea was what I needed. Lazy Sundays require tea.

What kind... what kind... what kind...? Oooh! Blueberry!


Now I'm back on Tumblr (don't judge) drinking tea, and waiting for the Tony's to begin. Neil Patrick Harris! I am excite!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 2: 10 Likes & Dislikes


  1. Classic Art
  2. Elaborate architecture
  3. Flowers
  4. Warm summer nights
  5. Men in suits
  6. Stars
  7. Batman
  8. Pirates/skull and cross bones
  9. Thunderstorms
  10. Jackets with hoods


  1. Being cold
  2. "The media"
  3. Wearing pink
  4. Renewing my car registration
  5. Driving through construction
  6. "New" country music
  7. Vegetables
  8. Wet socks
  9. Places that are too loud
  10. The overuse of sarcasm

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 1: Write Some Basic Things About Yourself

I could just copy/paste either of my blog "descriptions", but that's sort of a cheater's way to start off a writing challenge. Not that I'm opposed to cheating, I do that a lot (not in relationships, mind you).

Any who, I usually start with something along the lines of: I'm just a girl who likes to write stuff. While that is completely true, I feel it only describes me professionally, not so much personally. I do write. Not as much as I used to, but I'm on my way back to writing on a regular basis. That's where this challenge will hopefully come in.

But, I digress. Let's start with a few "basic" facts.

  1. I'm a 26 year old lady
  2. My hair is usually deep brown, but is currently reddish brown
  3. My eyes are reminiscent of chocolate drops
  4. Single
  5. Childless
  6. Caretaker of two cats, a dog, and a fish
  7. Newest resident of Idaho

I like to read, watch movies and television, and spend far too much of my day onTumblr. I listen to music a lot of people don't listen to, and not even in a hipster way. The iPod is packed to the brim with movie scores and Disney music. IN MY DEFENSE: words usually don't cut it for me, when I'm in certain emotional states, and I used to work for Disney. (Yes, I was in entertainment, and no, I can't give you many details)

I have a loud family. I spend a lot of time with said loud family. If I ever take a dude to meet them, they will hate him and I've come to terms with that. We don't like "outsiders". Huh... Sounds like I'm in a mob family.

I'm not. But, my crew is bad ass in their own way.

I'm an avid watcher of Doctor Who, Friends, Project Runway, Food Challenge, The Office, Big Bang Theory, House Hunter's International, Fraiser, any British comedy, and... that's all I can think of on the spot.

My favorite movie is Moulin Rouge!, followed by Stay, Almost Famous, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Labyrinth, Star Wars, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Burn After Reading, and a hundred thousand Disney movies.

I like outer space, theater, NASCAR, polar bears, coffee, flowers, pirates, fashion, football, black lace, dolphins, and my favorite color is green.

I'm in love with the following men: Captain Hook, Jareth the Goblin King, Darth Vader, The Phantom of the Opera, Jaime Lannister, Lestat, and James Bond.

I feel the need to mention my love of coffee again.


What else...? I used to dance, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue, lightening is one of my best friends, and ravens spy on me.

Also, I'm a crazy person.

Challenge Accepted!

Day one starts today. I need some motivation to write more, and I think this is just the ticket. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Esto Perpetua

Let it be perpetual. The official state motto of Idaho. Not bad...

Well, I made it safe and sound to the new residence of Aberdeen Idaho. So did Sphinx, Maggie, Evie, and Betta Fish. They were freaking troopers. Poor Betta Fish had to ride in a cup holder. But! We made it. We're here.

It's going to be a bit dodgy for this first little while (three people, two bedrooms, one bathroom) but it shouldn't be too long until it's more... comfortable. Honestly, though, it's not at all horrible.

I'm still working on feeling better. Trying my best to settle myself down. Sometimes I feel like a sort of refugee. Running for the hills of Idaho. Oh well. It's fine.

This isn't meant to be a long post. Only a quick "hello, from the state of perpetual-ness."

That is all.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


So! Change of plans. Again.

The job didn't work out. Long story short: they put me in danger, and they put their patients in danger, and I don't support that. So I left. But, it's fine. I have a new career.


I'm very good at it so far. I've managed to make a lot of family members angry without even trying. Finally! I've found something I'm good at!

Allow me to fill you in. For the last year, my MIA uncle resurfaced and has been living with Grandma and I. Alright. Fine. Then, Grandma had the scary surgery and the rigorous recovery. All of a sudden I'm stupid. According to the intruding uncle, I know nothing about Grandma, don't know the first thing about caring for people in their mature phase of life, and have no clue how to "run the house" while Grandma is out of commission. Let's look back over the last few years, shall we?
  1. I've lived with Grandma almost all of my 26 years. Not a single day has gone by in which I haven't spoken to her. Not one. We know each other inside and out.
  2. Who was here when Grandpa got so ill? Who was there everyday at the hospital with him? Who moved home to help him and spend time with him? Oh right. Not you. That was Kim.
  3. One of our little poodles (whom I picked out when I was 15, by the way) is diabetic. I'm pretty sure I've been one of his "caregivers" for years. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I've been a member of the household for years. I think... I think... I know how things work.
You can determine for yourself my qualifications to help Grandma out, like I was already doing. However, another has found me unfit to fulfill such duties. That's fine. I'll take a step back and let you try to work off some of the guilt you have for not being here, and not giving a rat's ass for however many decades you decided you no longer wanted to be a part of this family. (Woah... I guess I am upset. Look at that run on sentence!) You can kiss Grandma's tush all you want. It'll probably work. Let me rephrase, it did work. She's wrapped around your precious little finger. But, like I said, that's fine.

What's NOT fine, however, is your "attitude". Your anger and rage are unsatisfactory. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  1. You've thrown my cat
  2. You've yelled at our timid, afraid, once highly abused dog
  3. I once had to separate you from my mom's dog when you had your hand around his throat.
In what universe are any of these behaviors deemed acceptable?!

But, I digress. The point is, I've made my case to Grandma on several occasions. I've stated my discomfort and feelings of being unsafe. I said unsafe. Who deserves to feel unsafe in their own home? No one. I've felt afraid in my house for a year now. But, Grandma made her choice. He's still here, and "she said he wouldn't be".

She lied.

So, I'm out. She chose him. The one person in this whole giant planet I thought would always be my teammate left me. I didn't think I could feel such a sense of betrayal. Especially from her. I just feel as though my foundations have been shattered. I don't know how to even view the world anymore.

Oh! I forgot the best part. Another family member or two now hates my guts. Because of my choice to try and save myself from the road of grief, panic, and irreversible decisions, I must be selfish, spoiled, and mean. Apparently, I don't care about Grandma. I'm horrible and only care about myself.

This is where the homewrecker part comes in. I'm leaving. My mom needs some help getting her house ready for the arrival of my niece. So, heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to Idaho I go. I leave Monday.

One by one, my family will hate me for the decision. Some of them already do. I figure it's only a matter of time. Maybe I am selfish and careless. I suppose I am being reckless with Grandma's feelings. Evidently, there's a price to pay when you run for your life.