Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 16

Day 16: A Song that Makes Me Cry

Go the Distance
From Disney's Hercules
Alan Menken and David Zippel

This is my most favorite Disney song. Not only is this song overlooked, but this entire MOVIE is overlooked. I love it.

Once upon a time... I had to have my gallbladder out. I was TERRIFIED. Not really of the surgery, or of dying, or of having my organs prodded and removed. I was extremely frightened of "awareness" during the surgery. I read this horror story while in my younger years (I'm talking 7th grade... or 4th grade... somewhere around there) about a woman who was "asleep" but, totally aware during her surgery. She felt EVERYTHING, and couldn't do a thing about it. Anywho, that is where my "awareness" fear stems from. The day before the operation Dr. Surgeon (I think it was Dr. Lambert or something of the like) asked if I had any questions for him. I finally found the courage to ask about my highly insane, yet totally legitimate fear. He shook his head with a smile and told me the chance of that was extremely rare, and I think he may have said something about my heart rate and blood pressure would alert them, I don't remember exactly. He made me feel a small amount better. Like this much better. But, being the brave girl that I am, I proceed with my surgery.
The day of mine surgery had arrived. I took a deep breath, and walked into my OR with my head held high. And what do I hear upon entering? Disney music. Dr. Surgeon knew of my current employment, and my love for Disney. Laying on the table, they started my IV. My anesthesiologist tells me I'm going to get sleepy. The last thing I remember...? A certain song. Go the Distance. I listened to about half of it before I took my brain by the balls and said "you've got this". Then I woke up, hurting, nauseous, and sans gallbladder.

While I know the delightful sleepy drugs kicked in... I give this song credit for helping me through it. I love this song even more because it gave me the extra little bit of courage I needed to go the distance... And I did.

I truly get misty eyed every time I hear it. Which, I might add, is embarrassing during the "wishes set free" portion of Wishes (every time!) I'm reminded of that silly little story, and it gives me hope and courage that I'll find my destiny and be able to achieve it.

1 comment:

Stacy Lynn Carroll said...

I love that movie too! And the song...classic! I totally agree, way overlooked