Alright. Holy long time no blog Batman. Many reasons lead to this tragedy.
First of being the move. Yes!! It finally happened !! Jenn and I are now in the new abode and loving it. The improved distance from work has proved most glorious. It's nice to tell the childrens I'll be home around ten and not eleven or eleven thirty. Not to mention the bundles of fuel my car is no longer consuming. I think the car (who STILL remains nameless, my bad) is happier about it too. It's not parking on the street so it feels tres safer. The childrens have also taken a liking to the new homestead. They are spread out all about the new and LARGER bedroom. During the hour of playtime they actually have room to engage in such activities of play, therefore rendering them tired enough for bedtime. Which, in turn, makes me happy for it hurts when they use me as their jungle gym.
Once moved in to the glorious new apartment we learn that we have internet. Something near us has wifi and therefore so do we. The peasants rejoiced!! But alas, it was short lived. About a week ago it vanished from our realm of contentment, leaving us sad and deprived of communication... Or so we thought. Yesterday, on a whim, I decide to check the status of said problem and lo and behold internet had returned! Leaving us breathing a little easier until we can afford to call yet another internet company. We all know my luck with them...
Now that the matter is on the back burner I have another issue that needs venting.
Yes, I know. You all LOVE my venting. Well, stick a cork in it, I'm doing it anyway.
Where was I...? Ah, yes, my vent. Guess what this vent is concerning... Correct-amundo!! Boys. So there's this guy (you know it's a doozy when it starts THAT way). Anywho, there is a certain male who has expressed a certain interest in a certain person of the female variety. He's super duper nice, not to mention taller and older than said female. Wait wait wait... Let us take a minor step back and examine why this is such an accomplishment. I have an unofficial list of qualities I... I mean SHE requires her gentleman callers to possess. You know, now that this is where this blog has lead me I'm going to make this list official.
Kim's list of qualities she finds important for gentlemen wishing to court her:
Older than her
Taller than her+
People skills
The ability to dress oneself properly+
Likes sports+
Not a fan of the Denver Broncos
Likes movies+
Can handle the fact that she's a Disnoid*+
No, I repeat, NO animal allergies
Not clingy
Open minded
*A Disnoid is an intense Disney fan. If you know me, you should already know that.
For now, that will do. A quality followed by a + means they are negotiable.
Alrighty, back to the main topic. There is a guy psycho enough to express interest in me and he really is a nice guy. I'm just not sure how I actually feel due to the fact that I am, as we all know, dating impaired. I suck at the whole casual, getting to know you, game playing, new interest phase. My friends ask "Well, do you like him?" And I honestly have no idea. I might, but I don't know if I'm reverting back to my old ways of: I should like him so I'll make myself like him. We all know how THAT worked out. I have also learned that I'm really afraid. There's a nervous air when I'm around potential significant others and sometimes that turns into a bona fide fear. And a crippling one at that. I'm just super confused and I'm not sure how to go about figuring out whether I like him or just want to like him. I keep thinking I just need to spend some actual time with him and go from there. He is good company and we had fun the few times we've hung out. I'll just take it one step at a time and see where I end up... I hate doing that. I'm not the most patient person. But, I've been doing nothing but complaining about how lonely I am, so I may as well try.
I suppose that's the end of this vent, and with that, the end of this blog.
Namarie melloneamin
Who are the children? I may sound like a dork for asking, but are they pets? As for the guy, I say go for it! You learn pretty quick whether or not you really like someone. If you start getting bored when spending time with him or find yourself still checking out the other guys around, than he's probably not a keeper.
agreed with the other poster. plus if you're nervous around him, that's a good sign there's SOME feelings floating around in there.
The Childrens are the kitty's and the Doggie ! and I am glad they like the new diggs !
I am glad your doing well !
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