Wednesday, November 12, 2008


After re-reading my latest post I have come to the conclusion that I like the whole "officializing" of my many many lists (yes, I totally made up an AWESOME word). You see, I have lists for a number of items and on most occasions I forget half of my list because it's only in my head. Now, as some of you know, I have over a gazillion things going on in my head (more on that for another time) and my brain just can't remember it all when called out on the spot. Therefore, I am making some of them official on this blog and adding to them when I remember something or feel the need to add something. Here we go...

Kim's list of favorite Disney characters:
Drizella (duh)
Bowler Hat Guy
Captain Hook
Brer Bear's butt
Merriweather (unless we're hanging out during parade)
Mad Madam Mim

Kim's list of songs she wants to learn all the lyrics to:
La Vie Boheme
Yakko Sings the Countries of the World
One Week by Bare Naked Ladies (lame, I know, but whatchya gonna do?)

Kim's list of celebrities she would have in her social circle if she were famous:
Amanda Bines
Ellen DeGeneres
Christina Ricci
Jenifer Garner

Kim's list of roles she wants to portray onstage:
Velma Kelly in Chicago
Maureen in RENT
LeFou in Beauty and the Beast (shut up, I know he's a boy)
Lily in The Secret Garden
Christine or Meg in Phantom of the Opera

I think that will do for now. It's late and I'm a sleepy girl. As I said, this will be updated frequently so stay tuned.

Namarie melloneamin


Matt said...

First, I want to see pictures of your kitties! Now on to your current post: I need the story behind Brer Bear's butt, that's just awesome. I've always wanted to learn Yakko's country song too. Maybe someday...I completely agree with the celebrities you chose! It's a little freaky actually how similar our tastes are. As for people you want to be onstage, please tell me if you are ever Velma Kelly! I LOVE Chicago and will be there front row every night. Plus I can totally picture you playing that role! (Not the whole skanky outfits part) but because you have the look for her character. I just think you'd be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Dude! Your lists and my lists kind of sort of totally match! How amazing be that???