Monday, November 17, 2008

Once Upon a Chilly Morning...

I woke up. Then I made coffee and began to reflect on my past few days...

First of all: the Christmas dance party is oh so much fun!!  They kick my ass, but I love them. I was actually sore from the chicken dance (if you can imagine). I've learned some new dances too which pretty much rock my world.  

Next we have dating issues. *sigh* Where to begin? I went out with boy mentioned in previous blog. An excellent time was had. Who doesn't have a good time when watching Bond? Crazy people, that's who. Where was I...? Oh yeah... So on the way to the movie we had fantastic conversation. I feel the need to touch on this for we actually missed our exit to Downtown Disney we were so into our discussion. We have so much in common it freaks me out a little. I suggested Bond (like you all didn't see THAT one coming) and he said he was hoping I would, cause that's what he wanted to see. That's typical, I guess. Having a thrist for 007 is common with a lot of people, well, smart people anyway. Once we settled into the movie is where it got interesting. Well for him it was probably frustrating. As I indicated earlier, we've only known eachother for a very short period of time, therefore, he knows not of my intimacy issues. Nor of my dating handicap, but that subject is sure to come shortly. Anywho, he was CLEARLY wanting to crank it up a notch during said movie. Not by a large portion, he was a perfect gentleman the whole night (more on that later, too) but he definitely wanted... I don't know... cuddle time...? Cuddle-ish time... that's what we'll go with, cuddle-ish time. Well we all know how much I like to cuddle, in that I don't . Snuggling is alright, but that's different. When you're home with a movie you snuggle, or when you're falling asleep, you snuggle. Cuddling in a movie theatre just isn't my thing. I'm not into PDA that much, I guess. I'm the one making barf noises when anyone starst to get kissy kissy within a 100 foot radius. Bleh!! Maybe I'm just cold. Maybe I'm bitcy, I don't know. And here's another thing: the chivalry. That's great... for girls who like/need it from their man. I don't. Not one teeny tiny little bit. I've been a party of one for so long that I'm just used to it, I suppose. I'm not saying that guys shouldn't do things like open doors, or walk a girl to her car and so on and so forth. I'm just saying, I can take care of myself. I don't mean that in any form of disrespect, that's just how I roll. AND it was only validated further at the Halloween party "incident" (most people know about the "incident" but ask if you don't). In short (too late) I just want to state for the world to know, that I am emotionally independant, please learn to deal with it if you choose to date me. 

Now, if you thought that was the end of this subject during this particular blog you are mistaken. I have some reflection-esque thoughts about all of this. Let us start with the fact that I don't like to live in the "real world". You all, I'm sure, already knew that. Anyone who knows me knows that. Now, I am trying to force myself to realize that I don't live in a romantic movie. I don't even reside in a romantic comedy. Holy bubble poppage Batman! But, alas, it's true. Sad... but true. So after this recent revelation I have decided not to write off boy mentioned in previous blog just yet. I'm trying something new. I'm trying this actually get to know him-see if something develops-have some fun-be brave thing. Frankly it terrifies me. But maybe that's my problem. I'm afraid (I think I touched on that prior to this blog). I'm not so sure why, though. Maybe I've kept people at arm's length for too long. Fear of the unknown...? The Gods only know, but I'm going to be as courageous as I can. That's all I've come up with at this point. With that, I'm going to end this segment.


That is all.

Namarie melloneamin

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