Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crazy Kim


With all of the hullabaloo surrounding this Yule season, I am in the process of going back to school. This you already know. I just wanted to "say it out loud".

My Christmas gifts are done, wrapped, under the tree and/or mailed. Bim bam boom! I can rest easy and bake cookies. Not! What I'm going to do is bite my nails and pull out my hair whilst trying to gather funding for school. Joy to the world, indeed.

I really am in a rather merry mood, considering. I have a roof over my head, cookies in my belly, and four (that's right FOUR) Christmas trees. And, while school is already stressing me out, I take comfort in the fact that I'm going to be stressed until it's finished. Therefore, "can't change it, so go with it". Ride the wave, so to speak. It's fine.

I do feel the need to add, however, that I really am quite insane for taking on the challenge of starting school during the holiday season. I know you are all giving me that eye roll/head shake thing, and I don't blame you. In fact... Now that I reflect, I welcome it. Proving to people that I'm crazy and it works is delightfully amusing. You know... "Being Impossible"? It's right there in the title.

Yes, we are in the height of Christmas/Yule madness; and yes, I am starting the seemingly never ending process of my education simultaneously. Yes, I'm probably biting off more than I can chew.

But, I have a big mouth and the patience to chew for a long time. So, I got this.

That... was a weird metaphor. *shrug*

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