Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 03- Your Parents

To my parents,

I have three of you. Unconventionel, yes, but it worked out quite well for Aly and I. We love you a lot, and we both turned out pretty alright. I’m glad I had three parents. It made things different, and we all know how I feel about a “normal” life.

Thanks Mom, for teaching me independance, self sufficiency, and humor. From you I learned about hard work, perseverance, and to do act when you get a good idea. You’re also good for talking too.

Grandma, thank you for letting me move home (time and time again). Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for letting me bring cats into your home, when you hated them. And, thank you for having the coffee made in the morning. That helps me more than you’ll ever know.

I don’t know if you’ll be reading this Grandpa, but I just want to tell you I miss you, and anytime something goes wrong with my car, I try to think of what you would do. I miss baseball. We had good times there. I’m sure your having a grander time than we are right now. Love ya, and talk to ya later.

You guys are the best and I am so thankful that you are in my everyday life. Thanks for telling me how proud you are of me. It helps. Love you guys!

Love always,


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