*Disclaimer: Here be spoilers. Don't say I ruined it for you because I'm warning you right now that I'm not going to hold off on some opinions due the fact that I might "ruin it for you".*
It was good. I think the storyline transferred well from book to screen. We all knew we were going to lose chunks here and there, and there was only one instance I found disheartening. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm going to start with the casting. I found the casting most excellent overall. Bella I felt would have been fine with a number of people, so I didn't really care. Edward definitely did a nice job. I think the origional actor suggested would have made me happier (Henry Cavill) but being awhward and sexy as hell at the same time is difficult so I will give him some definite kudos. Emmit was hilarious. Alice was what I expected as was Esme. Carlisle was fantastic, he played the father/leader role well and was oh so pleasant to look at also. Jasper.... Oh Jasper... I FREAKIN LOVED HIM. He was so awkward in that "I don't know how to be friends with my food" way. Adorable. Very Edward Scissorhands if you know what I mean. I want to snuggle him even more than I did when I read the book. He is officially my favorite vampire family member. OFFICIALLY. *sigh* Where was I...? Oh yeah, Rosalie. Nice job. So perfectly bitchy. Props to her. I like the way she channeled her bitchiness in a way that you understood why she harbored the hostility. Nice job, indeed. Jacob was another pleasant surprise for me. Very cute and really nailed the "I'm sorry, my dad is embarrassing" face. Great. James was so magically delicious. Just how I wanted him to be. We all know how I like the angry guy... And he was. The power behind him was astounding. I loved it.
Alright, storyline. As I said before, I was satisfied with what was done plot-wise except for one teeny tiny little thing. They left out Jasper's extra ability. Why are you hatin' on my man?! I undertand that it may be difficult to show and/or do that in this film with there being so much already... But what are you going to do for the next movie?! "Oh, by the way, Jasper is special too, we forgot to tell you that." Hmm...
My other beef with the movie was the music choice. I really wanted some sort of instrumental theme throughout the story. But alas, I had to settle for different bands playing different stuff. Boo! I was really looking forward to a new instrumental soundtrack. Roar!! Sad times...
The kiss scene was beyond amazing. Nicely orchestrated and super hot.
All in all I liked the movie for what it was: a movie made for the fans. I believe it pleased them and that's what I hope they were aiming for. No, this won't be studied at NYU film school, but it was entertaining with pretty people and inspiried a bit of hope for unlikely love. It also reminds us that high school boys are socially awkward and funny as hell because they think they're cool.
I love Jasper.
Namarie melloneamin