Monday, September 29, 2008

So Tired...

It seems as though I haven't the ability to keep my blog up to date. Shit happens. Anywho, I'm back again.

My sister visited this past week and it was super-de-duper fun. She turned 21 (finally) and we hit up Pleasure Island. Side note: I am VERY sad it is gone away now. We also went to the parks a bunch of times. There's loads of pictures on my Facebook and Myspace. It was really nice to hang with her and Owen (her fiance). I like when I see my family. I miss them. Moving on.

I've been doing alot of thinking on the subject of my future. I'm not sure why. I may be bored with things being crappy all the time. Things aren't really "crappy", they're just bleh. Little by little things are getting suckier and I'm oh so over it. I don't know what to do. I'm stuck here for at least another 6 months, but after that I see a giant abyss of possibilities. It's driving me absolutely insane. Which makes me feel even crappier. I want to do this and I want to do that. But, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go. I guess it's just been a long couple of months.

Ok, this blog is going nowhere. It's stupid and uneventful. Therefore, I'll be going. 

Namarie melloneamin.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Alrighty, this is my personality mosaic. It's super awesome. Here is how it works:

Questions for each image and my answers
1. What is your first name?- Kim
2. What is your favorite food?- Pasta
3. What school did you go to?- Life
4. What is your favorite color?- Green
5. Who is your celebrity crush?- Heath Ledger
6. What is your favorite drink?- Coffee
7. Where is your dream vacation?- Scotland
8. What is your favorite dessert?- Cookies
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?- A performer of some sort
10. What is your favorite thing in the world?- A good book
11. What is one word that describes you?-Unique
12. What is your nickname?- Pudgy

How to do it:

A Mosaic to Describe Yourself
Follow these directions and then post it to your blog
1. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search
2. Using only the first page, pick an image.
3. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker(choose four columns and three rows)
Type the answer to each of the questions below in the search line and choose a picture from the first page of results that come up. Then you click on the pic, copy the link into the mosaic website

I think its cool. You should all do it. Right now. Go.

Namaire melloneamin

Yes...? No...? Yes...?

ROAR!! My blog has definitely been neglected lately. And as a result so have all of my faithful readers (aka Danielle). Well, I'm back now, hopefully for good.

First of all, we had a major issue with our previous internet company.
"Yes, we sent you a statement."
"No... No you did not. How can we pay you if we don't know how much to pay?!"
"Pay or die."
"Suck it."
We died. 

We decide to go with new internet. But when there is a MASSIVE thunderstorm two days before they're supposed to install it and the internet tower is struck by lightning you have a problem. So... we waited. And waited... And waited... Then, one bright and shining morning, they call us with the excellent news of "Monday we're installing your internet!!"

The peasants rejoiced.

It was a beautiful three and a half days. Then terror struck. I awoke Friday only to find the light out on the wireless router. 

After the tears were dried I phoned new internet company and they tell me that it will be Monday before they can get someone to do something about it. By now I figure that the internet Gods hate me and are pointing and laughing. Monday I return valiantly to my phone and make the final attempt with new internet company and they schedule someone to repair it on Tuesday. 


Well new internet company sent out they're warrior today and to make this long tale short and less boring (too late) we have internet once again. Hopefully it will last because I NEED it. As many of you know.

That's all I have to say on this subject. 

Frogs have moved in to our backyard. I love them. They have eaten most of the scaries (i.e. black widows) and they land on my bedroom window with a quiet splat. You can see they're underbellies and it brings a smile to my face no matter my internet situation. I took a picture which will be posted one of these days. You know... The day I get off my lazy ass. Don't hold your breath. 

On a sad note: Our dog back home had a stroke and isn't doing well. Taz is super old and we know that one day will be THE day to put her down but you're never really ready. No matter what you tell yourself. I hate not being able to say goodbye. It sucks ass. Not fair. *Sigh* She's a good girl and is an essential part of our family. We love her too much to lose her. But, I don't want her suffering. So I'll support her moving on so she can be out of pain. *Whimper*

That is all for now. My bed is screaming my name, so off I go. It is sleepy bye bye time. Peace.

Namarie melloneamin

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


First of all it's been FOREVER since I last blogged and I apologize for leaving you all griped with suspense. I know my life is *enter sarcasm* soooooo interesting. Anywho, lets start with the fact that I've been tagged. Here is what that consists of:


The rules: 

Link the person who tagged you
Mention the rules in your blog
Fill it out
Tag 6 people by leaving them a comment

1. Ten years ago...
I was 13 and dancing like a maniac. I was also hanging with Andrea in the hospital which sucked for her. And I had braces... ew...

2. Five years ago...
I was 18 and most likely sluffing school to hang out with Greg and Tony. Those were good days. I was about to graduate which I was dreading. Angie and I had an awesome combined 18th birthday party!! Woot woot!!

3. One year ago...
I was 22 and sitting at home being a bum. I pretty much hated my life, I'm not going to lie. I hung out with Lacie alot, though which was tons and tons of fun. 

4. Yesterday...
I was watching the internet guys install our new internet and then doing a happy dance when they were done and it worked. After that my roommate and I built a fort in the living room and took pictures.

5. 5 favorite snacks:
1. Chocolate covered pretzels
2. Cookies
3. Ritz peanut butter sandwiches 
4. Beef jerky
5. Fruit snacks

6. 5 favorite books:
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Eragon
3. Eldest
4. The Neverending Story
5. The Hobbit

7. 5 favorite places to run away
1. My room with obnoxiously loud music
2. The library
3. Back home
4. The movies
5. A book

8. 5 bad habits
1. Eating my 5 favorite snacks all the live long day
2. My potty mouth
3. Gossiping
4. Not speaking my mind
5. My love 'em or leave 'em attitude 

9. 5 things I will never wear
1. Pink
2. A fanny pack
3. Jesus memorabilia
4. Black shoes with a brown belt
5. Crocs

10. 5 things I enjoy
1. Blogging/interneting
2. Work (most of the time)
3. Reading
4. Movies
5. Video games

11. 5 favorite TV shows
1. Friends
2. Fraiser
3. Sex and the City
4. That 70's Show
5. America's Next Top Model

6 quirks

1. I hate stepping on lines on the ground

2. I love NASCAR but I hate driving

3. I really do bust out in random dance moves... frequently

4. I use proper grammar when I text

5. I am full of EXTREMELY useless knowledge. That's why I rock at Jeopardy...

6. I have to blow on something out of the cupboard before I can eat off of or drink out of it.

Alrighty, I TAG Jenn, Lacie, Angie, Aly, Garrett and Abby. (If you're on my myspace just bulletin it or something...)

I was tagged by the marvelous Danielle. Her blog is one of the "blogs worthy of my time". 

Namarie melloneamin