Saturday, January 15, 2011


It has come to my attention that several people are misusing their intuition. A harsh judgement, but quite possibly true. I include myself in this blatant accusation, mind you. How many times have you scolded yourself saying "I knew I shouldn't have done that..." or "I knew that was going to happen..."? Think about it for a moment.

I present to you my theory of misused intuition. People have the "gut feeling" telling them to do or don't do certain actions, make this decision or the other, even fight or flight. We don't, however, actually heed the advice of our inner selves. We think we use our intuition (hence the "I knew that was going to happen!" thought), but truthfully we're only acknowledging the feeling. After our heart nudges at us we go on and charge full steam ahead in the OPPOSITE direction. Then we curse ourselves and shake our head saying "I should have gone with my gut".

Only the other day, I caught myself doing it. I was faced with a sort of dilemma, and "knew" what I should do, but other reasons told me to take the chance. Consciously, I thought, "I have impeccable intuition telling me not to do this... But how will I know, unless I try?"

Then, it hit me. How was I going to know if my intuition was right, unless I tested it. Bam! THAT'S why we don't "listen" to our gut feelings. We want to prove whether we're "right" or not. So many of us would rather know whether our intuition is correct, than avoid strife by listening to it.

Heed my words, all five of you, forget about the fact that your intuition may be spot on; listen to it. Choose to think "my heart tells me to do this" instead of "my heart told me to do that".

All this seems a little confusing now that it's in print. *shrug* Just thoughts.

Any who, enough of that. On to other things...

I've accomplished 14 of my "25 Things to do before I turn 26" list. Pretty proud of myself, actually. I've done more than I figured I would. It makes me laugh a little, some of the things I haven't done are things I was almost certain I wouldn't have a problem with; others I've done are things I didn't think would be touched. Go figure. I'm still working on it, though. Hoping to get one or two more things crossed off.

I'm collecting vintage teacups now. Good ones. None of them matching. I've dubbed it "The Teacup Project". It includes an entire plan of constructing a display for them and throwing real live tea parties. I feel good about it.

Oh! I'm thinking of a different major for school. I know, I know, I haven't started classes yet and I'm already thinking of changing it up. *shakes head* Did you actually expect me to commit to something? Silly readers... Art history and/or psycology are the studies up for consideration, in case you were wondering.

I got a new day planner... It's pretty spiffy.

I think that's about it for my boring life. I partially apologize for the rant on intuition. Wait... Strike that. I apologize for nothing. NOTHING.

Alright, alright. I'll let you get back to your lives now. Peace out.

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