Saturday, October 11, 2008

Spectro Magic?

Well, my delightful friends at Disney scheduling took it upon themselves to force my overcome of another fear this week. Spectromagic. I am not a fan of parades. I didn't like them the moment we met and the feeling was mutual. Having one day a week in the pool meant we were going to face each other, I knew that. I could feel it in my bones. Two weeks ago, I check my schedule and behold! Day parade... PM assignment... and DUN DUN DUN... Spectromagic. 


My soul quivered. I knew it. I knew this was going to happen. So what do I do...? I kick ass that's what I do! Because I am a freakin warrior. Was it magical? Not for me especially. But I did it. I paraded like there was no tomorrow. With every fiber of my being I threw myself into the fire with only one goal: survive. Now here I stand, stronger, braver and exhausted. Parade wars are tiring. 

I suppose this is just a time of growing and reflecting (because it's good to reflect on your growth). So this is me... reflecting. 

I like hammocks. They're nice.

I believe I'm going to leave you now. As I said earlier, battling parade is strenuous. It takes a lot out of one. My eyes are heavy. My soul is weary. Not weak nor fragile. Only spent.

Namarie melloneamin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I nearly had a heart attack my first Spectro night, but dammit you ARE a warrior !!! Good job girl !