Now, if my 2008 was a direct result of my fabulous new year's eve, I can only wonder of the horrors to come in 2009. My new year's eve consisted of me leaving a party in which I knew a total of two people by 10:45, hitting a poor innocent raccoon (who sadly didn't make it to see 2009) then, arriving home to see Jenn and her new boyfriend being all cuddly on the couch. I also feel the need to add that on Jenn's door her whiteboard said she was excited to celebrate naked new year's. What the crap is going to happen in my life while 2009 runs it's course?! Doom, impending doom. I'm just saying...
Anywho... I have been absent from my blog as some of you have noticed (Mom). So I suppose I'll enlighten you with my life as of late.
I am currently looking for new employment. No, I wasn't fired, I didn't quit, I wasn't laid off and NO, I'm NOT moving back home. My time with the company is quite possibly coming to an end and I think I'm alright with it. I'm feeling as if my life has reached a rut anyway. So, there you go.
What else...? Ah, yes. Mom and Grandma are visiting in 18 and a half days. Woot woot!! And then... (oh yes, it gets better) Andrea is visiting a week after that! AWESOME. In the words of Amanda: "fully awesome!" I really need them right now. I miss my fam. They're terrible and drive me crazy, but I love 'em.
We're not talking about 23 part deux at this time. So shut it.
OH! I have news that many people find exciting. I have finally consented to read Harry Potter. My first book is due in the post at any moment. I must say that I am excited, even though it goes against one of my "statements". I suppose I'll have to come up with a new "statement" to take it's place.
There it is. My new year so far. I guess after this it's not a new year, but just a year. I hope I'm wrong in my theory of "new year's eve success = success of new year" because that would suck for me. And for the raccoons.
Namarie melloneamin